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Why you need a domestic
insurance package.

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A homeowner or tenant might not see the importance of getting insured but what happens in case of fire, terror attacks, and earthquakes? Having the domestic package puts one’s mind at ease knowing that you’ll be compensated in such cases. Household appliances are protected against theft, explosions and fire while domestic employees are covered from accidental bodily injury or death.

 A CIC Domestic Insurance provides protection in cases of loss or damage to personal property, injury to domestic workers in the course of duty and personal liability. A standard domestic package insurance policy cover pays to repair or rebuild your home if it is damaged or destroyed by fire, lighting, storm or other perils listed in your policy. It covers loss or damage to personal belongings like furniture, household goods, electrical equipment and other personal items if they are stolen or destroyed by fire or other insured perils. The cover caters for items that are taken out of the house like jewelry, laptop computers, mobile phones, cameras among others. This cover extends to domestic workers for injury or death arising from domestic work. 

With theft and burglary becoming a common trend in our country, lacking a domestic insurance sets people back to digging deeper into their pockets to recover what was lost. However, with this cover, one has a solid financial backer to ease the financial stress incurred.  

How to claim your domestic insurance.

Claiming your domestic insurance is not a tedious process. All one needs is to notify the nearest police station and notify your insurer of the claim by submitting the relevant documentation. Then you wait for the insurer to process your claim and the claims are paid within days of signing discharge voucher. 

In the last few years, the cost of living has increased drastically and people have had to dig deeper into their pockets just to make ends meet. This has seen people ignore Domestic Insurance by seeing it as an extra cost in this harsh economic times while on the contrary, the cost of CIC home insurance is incredibly affordable. Get in touch with us and find out the cost of your premiums given the value of your property.

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