Is a multi-employer retirement benefit scheme open to groups (employers) who come together in a pool by making contributions into the scheme. The scheme provides for each employer to choose the level and type of benefits the employee shall enjoy at retirement. The Scheme is also NSSF ACT 2013 Tier II- contributions compliant.
We believe that you should enjoy your retirement. You have earned it.
- CIC Umbrella Retirement Benefits Scheme
- Umbrella Scheme-Segregated
- Guaranteed Fund Investment- Occupational Schemes
- SME’s and start up organizations.
We expect the Umbrella Fund to continue registering strong performance, owing to prudent investment in asset classes based on market conditions and expectations.
The fixed income market remains attractive to investors as returns in other investment classes remain subdued. We expect rates to maintain the current levels or gradually make minimal increases in 2021, with the treasury bidding to lengthen our debt maturity profile.
The equity market outlook for 2021 remains uncertain as downside risks prevail in light of an unrelenting pandemic.
Why Umbrella Scheme-Segregated
The CICAM segregated Umbrella fund is a product designed to focus on small to medium enterprises (SME’s) as well as larger Organizations willing to set up segregated retirement benefits scheme but do not wish to be entangled in legal, administrative and statutory liabilities applicable to segregated schemes.
A larger portion of this fund is invested in high growth assets which are expected to yield a much higher return in the long run. The investments will be however well diversified in order to manage risks.

Why Guaranteed Fund Investment- Occupational Schemes
Duly registered occupational schemes can also take advantage of the competitive rates of return that are always above market average that is offered by our guaranteed fund.

Frequently Asked Question on CIC Medisure
Who should invest on CIC Umbrella Fund?
The fund provides a solution to organizations that find setting up a retirement fund and continuously complying with the complex legal and statutory demands a challenge in both monetary and human resource cost.
Who does CIC offer Annuity Plan?
CIC Group offers guaranteed annuities to both single life and joint life with an option of 3 guarantee periods.
The 3 guarantee periods offered include the no guarantee period, 5 years guarantee period and 10 years guarantee period. The annuity payments are usually in fixed amounts or amounts increasing annually by 3% or 5%.
With Income Draw Down Fund, what happens if an Individual dies?
On the death of the individual member, the fund can be used to provide an income to the nominated beneficiaries either by a continuation of the income drawdown arrangement to the beneficiaries or the purchase of an annuity or if income is not taken in this way, the balance may be paid to the nominated beneficiaries.