The CIC Money Market is a low-risk fund that invest in a diversified portfolio of short-term interest-earning instruments.
We help you find the right balance of lifestyle now, and a financial security later.
Why Money Market Fund
The principal investments are Call and Fixed deposits with financial institutions regulated by the Bank of South Sudan, Treasury bills, Government securities, and credit rated or publicly approved Commercial papers with a maximum weighted average tenure of 13 months. It offers capital preservations and interest income credited monthly.

- Capital preservation.
- A high degree of stability.
- A short term parking bay for surplus fund particularly in times of market volatility.
Key Features
- Initial fee: Nil
- Annual Management Fee:0% Per annum.
- Minimum Investment: Kes 5,000.00.
- Minimum Additional Investment: Kes 1,000.00.
- Distribution: Monthly
- Risk profile: Low.
- Liquidity: The client is able to withdraw their funds at short notice.
- Flexibility: The client is able to switch or transfer funds to another fund that he/she may have with CICAM.
- Security: The fund invests in low risk and liquid instruments.
- Competitive Returns: Interest is calculated daily and credited at the end of each month. As an institutional investor, the fund benefits from placing deposits in large sums and as such is able to negotiate for competitive rates.
- Professional fund management: prospective investors benefit from the expertise of our seasoned professionals.
Trustee: KCB Bank Kenya Limited.
Custodian: The Co-operative Bank of Kenya Limited.
Auditors: PwC Kenya.
Why Smart Saver
A penny saved is a penny earned that together with a tax free policy will ensure that you have money secured for future use. Individuals get to save over a selected period of time to meet any financial needs such as getting a home, going for a holiday or even buying a car.
This is a flexible savings plan that allows one to accomplish their financial dreams and desires. Smart Saver policy is a savings cum protection product that provides a defined sum assured at either maturity of the policy or death of the policyholder. It is structured to suit your specific needs and risk profile for a continuous period with a term ranging from 8 to 25 years.

- A non-taxable free investment
- Constant premiums throughout the term allowing you to budget better
- Money is saved for purpose intended.
- It ensures that the benefits are guaranteed from the outset (The benefits are payable at the end of the policy term the policy)
- A final lump sum at end of the term: 100% of sum assured inclusive of revisionary and terminal bonuses.
Why Invest Plan
We all save towards our future and what better way is there than knowing you can access money in installments in the future if need be?
This policy enables planning of finances in a regular manner to avail money in a lump sum in several instalments at selected periods in future. This will enable you to finance your projects of choice in accordance with your time plan. In addition, you’re protected from uncertainties. The plan is flexible to allow you a saving period of 12 years, 16 years, 20 years and 24 years.

Why Academia
We save for our future, families, dreams or for that rainy day.. Safeguard your child’s future by saving funds with this policy with flexible payment plans over a period of time.
CIC Academia plan is a combination of insurance protection and savings that allows you to prepare for the cost of your child’s education. It is a suitable endowment policy for education of children at any age. The policy term can vary from 9 to 18 years. The plan is risk free and provides guaranteed returns in form of partial maturity and final maturity

Why Akiba Smart
CIC AKIBA SMART serves as an investment and risk protection Plan. This product offers policy holders a life-cover of up to a maximum of KES 200,000 as well as return on the accumulated savings.
This product was developed to address the need of individuals who are looking for products that offer: Flexibility in premium contributions frequency and amount, no lapse on life cover, covers pre-existing conditions, guaranteed interest return of 5%. The plan offers a flexible term of 5 to 10 years.

Why Haba Haba
HABA HABA NA CIC gives you a great opportunity to save at the convenience of your mobile phone and earn an attractive interest on your savings, build your finances with easy and convenient contributions from as low as 568 South Sudanese Pounds. Make comfortable and flexible payments through your mobile phone and enjoy peace of mind as the HABA HABA NA CIC comes with 18,960 South Sudanese Pounds Life Cover. The policy term is 5 Years.

Frequently Asked Question on CIC Savings Solutions
What bank do I deposit money into?
What CIC Money market fund?
The CIC Money Market fund is a low risk fund which invests in diversified near cash holdings, high quality interest bearing investments and fixed deposits in the Kenyan market.
This fund is: Conservative, For the investor looking for a safe parking place for their funds and with a low risk appetite- preservation of capital, Ideal during times of stock market turbulence.
How do I know my money is invested?
You will receive an alert immediately the fund is created both on your mobile phone and email that will provide you with your account number and amount of money invested.